The iPhone 6 is a touchscreen-based smartphone that is being developed by Apple, expected for a June 2013 release. Photos leaked over internet in December 2012, before it’s proposed summer 2013 release. It has been in development since the week after the iPhone 5 was released in September 2012. A information site based in China revealed in November that Apple Inc. were to start trial production of this model in December.
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The Commercial Times estimated that full commercial production of the rumoured iPhone 6 will begin as early as next year, with the December 2013 run only expected to return between 50,000 and 100,000 units. It didn’t come as a surprise that, just a week or so after the announcement of the iPhone 5, rumors abounded that the iPhone 6 would be released in earnest. And by “in earnest,” mean early 2013. As absurd as those rumors were - and continue to be - it follows the traditional cycle of the rumor mill. Back in 2010, when the iPhone 4 had been released, the rumor mill strongly believed that the iPhone 5 would follow right on its heels, due in large part to the sense at that time that the iPhone 4 was a massive failure.
But for as much as rumors of Apple releasing new devices less than a year from the most recent iteration’s release might seem like pipe dreams, Apple’s move to release a fourth generation iPad along with its iPad Mini this week should at least give us some pause: Cupertino has now proven it is capable of doing it.
More than the metal back, A6 processor, or slim design, the hallmark feature upgrade on the iPhone 5 is the elongated screen. After bucking the trend of expanding the screen size of the iPhone for years, Apple finally answered the call for a larger-screened iPhone. However, with their stretched aspect ratio, they did it in a way that differentiates the iPhone 5 from any other smartphone on the market today.
In spite of the fact that the iPhone 5 is on track to become the most popular and best-selling smartphone ever, it doesn’t appear that their competitors are looking to copy the design (either because they don’t want to seem pastiche, or because they don’t want to draw further fire from Cupertino’s legal department). Instead, top competitor Samsung appears to be looking to deploy new screen dimensions and technologies in 2013, which could make their way onto the GS4. It means 100% for sure Apple will change the screen size in iPhone 6 to keep on top of the smartphone selling all over the world.
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Ditulis pada: 2:30 PM. by Gooner Portal Category: Tech & Gadget
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Published by Gooner Portal, 2014/09/08, at 2:30 PM category Tech & Gadget and permalink ID: 4.5.57.More news:
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